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Ahiska Turks met with festive occasion.
16/Октября/2013, 7.24.14 PM

Meskhetian Turks met with festive occasion.

The city of Dayton, which is the most inhabited city in America Ahıska the occasion of Kurban Bayrami (Eid al-Adha) in a different atmosphere.

Ahıskalıların mevlit kandili coşkusu

Meskhetian Turk community in Dayton, about 500 people attended the prayer of Bayram Namaz (Eid). Holy mass was held after the Eid prayers.

Meskhetian Turkish Society of America President Cumali Habibov,"a lot due to the Eid prayer congregation had to make cultural center in the conference room."she said. America, in Dayton, Ohio, more than 400 families have experienced Ahıskalı Habibov,"Kurbanlıklarımızı Africa needy brothers and sisters living in the Muslim brothers and sisters and we shared here."he spoke.
Ohio Turkish American Association manager at Free Özey"Although we are far away from Turkey, where such a community is very meaningful for us holy."said. Indicating that different Özey holidays abroad, such as the Feast of Sacrifice Feast in Turkey said they had to get a little bit of Dayton.

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