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Ahiska cultural center opens in Dayton.
21/Октября/2012, 10.19.42 AM
Ahiska cultural center opens in Dayton.

DAYTON — We believe that small, positive actions make significant changes in our lives and the world.

Ahiska Meskhetian Turks Cultural Center, which opened with a big inauguration ceremony in the Dayton OH. last week.The goal of the center is to promote intercultural relations between all people of different nations.

During the grand opening of the center, there were live Ahiska music performances and traditional Ahiska Meskhetian Turks folk dancing, and guests were served Ahiska food.

Facing the challenges of today's world, Hasan İskandar says they chose to contribute to solutions through dialogue and educational, cultural and humanitarian efforts. "Ahiska Meskhetian Turks Cultural Center approaches the world with realistic optimism to build a better future for tomorrow. Our main principles for dialogue are paramount to our activities and mission: Be peaceful and respectful, accept each other the way we are, engage in dialogue not debate, focus on our similarities as humans while acknowledging our differences,” he adds.


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