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International Children’s Day Festival, Detroit, Michigan-2011
26/Марта/2012, 1.27.55 PM
International Children’s Day Festival, Detroit, Michigan-2011

It’s The 2011 Annual International Children’s Day Festival – a multicultural event at Wayne State University in the heart of Detroit, Michigan.


Event was on April 23, 2011 with participation of 15 groups of children and more than 600 in attendance. The festivities included ethnic performance groups from: Meskhetian Turks, Germany, Hmong, India, Japan, Mexico (3 groups),Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, China (3 groups)
, Pakistan, Poland, Turkey, USA (African-American and Native American). Women’s Branch of TASM ran a bake sale to offer Turkish food delicacies and refreshments together with face painting, popcorn and cotton candy.
The Turkish-American Society of Michigan (www.TASMich.org) hosted an event – that both honors children and provides them with lots of fun.

There were 14 country display stands at exihibition before the event. A donation stand was also set up for those who would like to make donation for the benefit of the people affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Several Consuls, Professors and Mayors of the surrounding cities were among the guests. Event sponsored by Niagara Foundation, WSU SABC, Turkish Airlines, and Nema Halal Food.


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